About the Botanical Garden SP


At the end of the 19th century, there was a big rainforest area that today is the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), with many farms and plantations. Wanting to preserve the natural resources, the headwaters of Riacho do Ipiranga and also to utilize its hydroelectric power, the government took back ownership of the land. So, in 1917 the area became Parque do Estado.

From then until 1928, it was mainly used to source water supply for the Ipiranga neighborhood. In that year, Frederico Carlos Hoehne started writing a new chapter in that story: preserving the flora and fauna in the area. Until today, the project has created important research, education, and environmental awareness in Brazil.

Você sabia?


You’re probably wondering who Frederico Carlos Hoehne is… Well, he was an important botanist and naturalist for his time, and his work got him invited to start the Botanical Garden SP by its Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Secretary.

Hoehne gladly accepted the challenge and started the construction, at first inspired by the Uppsala Botanical Garden, in Sweden, with its two lakes, grand staircases, and reflecting pool. The greenhouses and other iron structures came directly from England, and the orchid nursery was the cherry on top!

The orchid nursery was built by the greenhouses, on pergolas that highlighted the variety of species. By 1929, people were already visiting the space, impressed by our flora. The nursery is now called the State’s Nursery, because of its importance.

Even though guests have been visiting the Botanical Garden SP since 1928, it wasn’t until 1938 that it was officially inaugurated. In 1942, the state’s Botanical Department gained autonomy and changed its name to Botanical Institute, and Dr. Frederico Carlos Hoehne was appointed as its first director. He was in charge of running the Botanical Garden, as well as carrying out several research projects in botany.


Image: Infraestrutura e Meio Ambiente de SP’s Collection
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